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Sofia Smallstrom: "Unravelling Sandy Hook"

I highly recommend this video.


1. Proper paramedic/EMT procedure was not followed. All of the "children who died" were declared "dead" and the bodies ordered to remain in the building. Only the police has access to the building (no EMT) and ambulances had to remain down the street from the school at the Firehouse. No action was taken to attempt to revive children, or take them in ambulances or helicopters to hospitals. Why not? Police do not have the authority to make the "medical" decision that children are "deceased" or do not able to be revived. So why weren't EMTs allowed in the building? Also, even the "victim's parents" were not allowed to go in the building to see/verify their children. (See ~0:11:15 in video)

2. Bizarre behavior and interviews by the "victim's families" (eg, Robbie Parker, Chris and Lynn McDonnell) -- smiling, laughing, feigning being upset and "crying" but with no actual tears, etc. (~0:29:45 in video)

3. The School had a recently "re-vamped" video surveillance system. Yet why haven't we seen any video surveillance footage?

4. Early reports were that there were multiple shooting suspects.

5. Possible faked/doctored photographs shown in the media used to construct the identities of the "victims" and "victim's families" -- including the apparant photoshopping of children into pictures. (~0:36:55 in video) Many of the photographs of the children appear to show "dated" clothing, such as that in fashion in the 1980s or 90s. And many of the "victim's parents" appear to be in their mid or late 40s and much older than the average parents of 6-year olds (~1:28:30 of video).

6. All of the funerals for the "victims" were reportedly closed casket, with the exception of that of Noah Pozner, in which the face was covered with a cloth. So what hard evidence do we have to verify actual deceased victims? There are no photographs/video of dead children. In May of 2013, the Newtown Town Clerk refused to release the death certificates of the "victims". (And as discussed in the video posted above on the medical examiner Carver, the validity of the "autopsies" is in question).

7. The "victim's family members" supposedly didn't want the 911 call tapes released because they "didn't want to relive the tragedy", but many of these "victims' family members" are happy to travel all over the nation lobbying for an "assault weapons ban" and other gun control, as well as "mental health screening" requirements.

8. The legislative response to Sandy Hook of increased "mental health screeing" -- eg, to see if people are "competent" not only to own guns, but to parent their own children, etc.

9. "Victim's" fundraising websites/funds were reportedly set up in the days prior to the "shooting event."

10. Highly-coordinated "active shooter" drills involving school children, teachers and school staff, police, paramedics, local residents, and "crisis actors" are now regularly conducted at schools all over the nation. Based upon all of the evidence, the presenter argues that the Sandy Hook "event" was a drill that "went live" (meaning that it was deliberately broadcast in the media as if it was a real event)
11. A woman claims to have called the Connecticut State Police, Connecticut Environmental Protection Agency, and Connecticut Violent crimes Unit asking who cleaned up the blood at the school, and none would give her an answer but just gave her the "run around" and "I don't know" (~1:27:00 in video).

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