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The Theory of Evolution Deception

Is the Theory of Evolution hard science or ridiculous nonsense?

The original motive behind Darwin's theory

Charles Darwin, a staunch opponent of slavery who once considered becoming a minister, proposed the theory in order to attempt to argue for the lie of the common descent of 'mankind'. [1] His book, On the Origin of Species, was published in 1859.

The important distinction between 'Micro evolution', i.e. adaptations within a species, vs. 'Macro evolution'

Changes in the frequency of genetic traits of a species due to "natural selection", the process by which individual organisms with beneficial traits are more likely to survive and reproduce, is logical. This we may term "micro evolution." A classic cited example is that of the peppered moth (right), in which it is claimed the light-colored moths within the species almost died off due to predation when trees were darkened with soot from pollution.

But 'Macro Evolution' -- the theory that species can transform into other species, and that all species originated from a common ancestor which spontaneously erupted from non-complex inorganic chemical matter -- is an entirely different matter.

A preposterous fairytale

Cursory consideration and objective thought destroys the theory. How is it remotely possible that 'primordial soup' can turn into infinitely complex living organisms due to nothing more than random chance and passage of time? Common sense, let alone a mathematician, will tell you the statistical odds of this happening are nil.

The fossil record does not support evolution - Where are the transitional fossils?

If evolution actually occurred, there should be millions of so-called "transitional fossils". For instance, were the theory true, there should be fossils of half wolf, half dolphin [2] and half ape, half human creatures. Yet, not a single genuine transitional fossil has ever been found. This is why there are so many "missing links."

So where is the evidence to support evolution?

Genetic mutations are harmful, not beneficial

Evolution would require the "appearance" of new genetic information out of nowhere, and constant genetic mutation for the creation of new species. Yet, genetic mutations have almost always been observed to be harmful, not beneficial. Scientists have never found an example of the addition of appreciable new and beneficial genetic information to the gene pool of a species. Yet this should be occurring all the time, with millions of examples were evolution true.

Theory of Evolution Violates the Second Law of Thermodynamics

The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that disorder and decay is constantly increasing in the universe. Evolution, on the other hand, claims that the universe is constantly tending towards higher and higher order via random chance. Evolutionists still try their best to explain away this problem.

Fraudulent "Evidence"

Surely, 'eminent' and world famous "scientists" such as Jewish evolutionary "biologist" Stephen Jay Gould (right), couldn't be intentionally lying to us?

Shockingly, it turns out the minuscule purported "evidence" used to support the theory is a plethora of hoaxes and lies - including such notorious frauds as Haeckel's faked embryo drawings, Piltdown Man, and Nebraska Man.

Ernst Haeckel's faked embryo drawings

Naturalist Ernst Haeckel's embryo drawings falsified the embryos of different animals in order to promote the idea that different species were very similar in the embryonic stage of development. This of course, is purported "evidence" of the common ancestry of all organisms. These drawings are still widely used in school textbooks as "proof" of evolution.

'Piltdown Man' Hoax

In 1912, Charles Dawson, an amateur archaeologist, claimed to have found bones of a primitive hominid (a "missing link") in a quarry near Piltdown Common in Sussex, England. Piltdown Man was constructed from parts of a modern-looking skull and an apelike lower jaw.

Piltdown man was claimed to be 500,000 years old and declared "absolute proof" of evolution in museums, academia, and countless newspapers and scientific journals.

The fraud went undetected for forty years. In 1953, Piltdown was discovered to be a forgery, consisting of the lower jawbone of an orangutan that had been deliberately combined with the skull of a fully developed modern human.

'Nebraska Man' Fraud

Nebraska Man was discovered in 1922 in western Nebraska. It was hailed as the "missing link" in human evolution which allegedly lived 1 million years ago. This "evidence" was used by evolutionists in the famous Scopes evolution trial in Dayton, Tennessee, in 1925.

What exactly was this discovery? It was a single tooth, which turned out to be the tooth of an extinct species of pig.

A theory taught as if it is a fact

When 'professor' Shlomo Greenbaumstein at the local jewish-controlled university teaches that the theory of evolution is "established fact", "proven", and "beyond question", impressionable students dare not question or risk being castigated as a "nutball Creationist."

Organized Jewry and their lackeys know a useful lie when they see it

Jewry, Satan's foot soldiers, are ultimately behind the promotion of the 'secular humanist' and atheist philosophies. The theory of evolution is pontificated as 'gospel truth' in the jewish-controlled 'mainstream' media, and jewish-dominated and controlled universities and government-run 'schools'.

Protocol IX: "We have fooled, bemused and corrupted the youth of the goyim by rearing them in principles and theories which are known to us to be false although it is by us that they have been inculcated."

Protocol IV: "It is indispensable for us to undermine all faith, to tear out of the minds of the Goyim the very principle of the Godhead and the spirit and to put in its place arithmetical calculations and material needs."

Evolution is not science, but a religion

Evolution is the centerpiece of the "scientific justification" for 'secular humanist' atheism.

It takes far more "faith" to believe that the entire universe just came together by random chance than it does to believe that a Creator must exist.

Evolution shills have no use for logic, facts, truth, and free & open debate

Teaching of 'intelligent design' is verboten in the jewish-controlled indoctrination 'schools.' Only lies, frauds, and hoaxes are allowed. Real scientists and professors who question the orthodoxy find themselves out of a job. In 'scientific' circles, evolutionists prefer to promulgate more theories to support the central theory. All that matters is that they have a justification for their need to advocate a rejection of 'God'.

What's next?

In 10 million more years, will humans 'evolve' into 12-foot tall, 4-armed, purple-skinned, winged humanoids?

One of the most absurd lies in history

Real "science" is a search for the truth, and is based on logic, observation, and factual evidence. Evolutionary theory is not science, and flies in the face of logic and evidence. It is rather a labyrinth of lies, frauds, half-truths, and baseless theories concocted by ideologues out to advance an atheistic agenda. The real wonder is that so many people are duped by these charlatans.

Related Articles:

- Charles Darwin's theory of evolution not based on empirical research, but put forth to justify common descent of all humanity
- Pew Research Center Poll: 63% of Americans reject theory of evolution; 64% favor teaching creationism in public schools

Other Articles of Interest:

- The myth of the "brotherhood" of humanity; Adam not the first man, but father of only the white race
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- Racial origin of the "Jews"; not Israelites, but descendants of Khazars, Edomites, Canaanites, Cain, and ultimately Satan
- An introduction to 'The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion' - Blueprint for Jewish World Conquest
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