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[Tanpa judul]

The Great Outdoors: On the first morning of camp, 32 campers mastered a few handy knots and then had archery lessons. Later in the day we built wooden boxes that we took up to Chet Arthur's birthplace and installed along the paths. We hiked with forester Nancy Patch and placed drawings and writings into the boxes for other visitors to the landmark to discover. The next day Ralph and Kathy Rosenburg came and helped us build bluebird houses. We also had a visit from Kurt Valenta who took us on a nature walk along Black Creek where we found water bugs, interesting plants, and went swimming! We came back to the Center and made plaster casts of some of the plants we found. On Friday, we went to Sheldon Woods, did geo-cacheing and then had a cookout at Lake Carmi. Here are some pictures:

Next week: Wet & Wild! Bugworks, Mural Painting, Missisquoi Refuge, Water Music, Relay Races, Field Trip to Killkare State Park ~ check back soon for more pictures!

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