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April Vacation Camp Review

Friday was our last day of camp. It was another beautiful day - warm enough so that we could once again work on the oven with Vidar. The kids helped make the cob mixture (native clay, sand and straw) to cover the oven framework.

It was hard work, and most everyone had fun getting really dirty! Some more than others!
Once the cob was thoroughly mixed, we smeared it over the framework that had been covered with burlap.
Here, you can see the dome of the oven is nearly covered with the first layer of cob. The door is on the other side. Unfortunately, due to the snow storm, our schedule didn't allow us to finish the oven but Vidar will be working on it this week. Stop by if you'd like to help him or just to see how things are going!
We had an outdoor Pizza Picnic and talked about how much fun it will be when we can bake pizza in the outdoor oven and invite the whole town to a pizza party!

After lunch we had relay races...
finished up some planting...
and enjoyed ice cream sundaes with homemade ice cream, did some face painting, worked on more gardening chores outside and flew kites out in the ball field. It's been a great week, and we all agreed that we'd rather stay here at camp than go back to school!

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