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The Department of Homeland Security's Operation "ENDGAME" - martial law and elimination of American patriots

In light of recent developments (ie, looming mass civil unrest, troops preparing for martial law inside the U.S.) Organized Jewry may may be looking to make a final move against American patriots in the very near future. Based on the following article, approximately one million American patriots are now on a Jewish Occupied Government (JOG) list, targetted for "removal"...with detention camps, railcars with shackles, and all sorts of legislation and executive orders (authorizing martial law, secret arrests and trials) in place to facilitate this goal.

Things look like they are coming to a head. It may be years before they make their final move. Or it could be months or weeks. My advise for patriots: This is war. Stock up on ammunition, and storable food. Obtain CB radios to maintain communication should internet and phone communications be cut. Network with like-minded individuals in your area, and plan actions to be taken when TSHTF. Most importantly, get your 'spiritual' house in order, and prepare yourself to fight to the end for all that you hold dear. Lastly, I would mention that we have been on the defensive for too long. It's time to go on the offensive. Start compiling lists of jews, traitors, and other important targets in your area, to be dealt with at the appropriate time.



US Orders Project ENDGAME To Begin, 775,000 Americans Targeted For Arrest

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