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The myth of the "brotherhood" of humanity; Adam not the first man, but father of only the white race

Whether you consider the issue from a secular or Biblical perspective, all "humans" do not share a common ancestry. The idea that all humans are "family" is a lie propagated by the ruling Jewish Establishment and the apostate "Judeo-Christian" churches -- and supported by the fraudulent theory of evolution -- which serves as a basis for the "multicultural", race-mixing, and "one world community" agenda that is designed to destroy the white race through mongrelization and absorption with the non-white races.

Biologically and scientifically speaking, how is it possible for the pure-blooded black, asian, and white races to have descended from Adam and Eve, Noah and his wife, or any other common ancestor? Could Adam and Eve reproduce and have black, white, and asian children? Of course not. That's biologically impossible.

The black, white, and asian races -- in their pure-blooded states, absent any mixing among the races -- are of completely different lineage. They were created separately, and are essentially different species of "humans." The fact that separate races can interbreed (and produce hybrid species) is not proof of common origin or common species, as this phenomenon exists among other animals -- eg, lion and tiger can mate and produce a hybrid "liger", horse and donkey to produce mule, etc.

The Bible -- when translated and interpreted correctly-- confirms the fact that Adam was not the first "human." There were other people on the earth before Adam was created. That is why Cain feared other people would kill him after he was banished, and how Cain was able to find a wife, have his own descendants, and build a city after being banished from Adam & Eve and their descendants.

Whom, then, are the descendants of Adam and Eve? The evidence strongly indicates that it is the white race. The word "Adam" in the Hebrew is "aw-dam'", which means "to show blood (in the face), i.e. flush or turn rosy". See for yourself in Strong's Hebrew Lexicon here:

Strong's Hebrew Lexicon Search Results

Result of search for "Adam": 119 'adam aw-dam' to show blood (in the face), i.e. flush or turn rosy:--be (dyed, made) red (ruddy).

This is also supported by the fact that the people primarily concerned with the "traditions of Abraham" over the course of modern history have almost exclusively been the white peoples (and "hybrids" or mongrels with significant white ancestry...eg, Arabs). For thousands of years, blacks and asians were isolated in Africa and the Far East and overwhelmingly unconcerned or unaware of the traditions of Adam, Abraham, and their descendants -- with the exception of the last few hundred years when white missionaries spread Christianity among blacks and asians.

Archaeology also lends support to the "recent" appearance of the race of Adam. It is well known that human skeletons have been found all over the world that are much older than 6 or 7 thousand years, some being tens of thousands of years old. As background, one should be aware that there are substantial differences in the skeletons (and especially skulls) of whites, negroes, and asians -- such that the race of a person is easily identifiable by the skeleton.

These skeletons over 6-10 thousand years old are those of the non-white, pre-Adam humans. Even secular archaeologists note the difference of these early "humans" as distinct from that of "modern" (ie, white) man. Evolutionists say that the modern (white) man has "evolved" from these earlier humans -- acknowledging that the white man appeared on the earth later.

History lends further support for the recent appearance of Adam. Historians agree that "modern civilization" (farming, etc) appeared in the area of Mesopotamia around 6 thousand years ago. If humans have been on earth for possibly over 10 thousand years, why did civilization suddenly appear then? Well...what else happened around 6 thousand years ago? The appearance of the race of Adam. The appearance of the white man.

From a Biblical or Christian perspective, this truth regarding the origins of the races is of no small consequence. Yahweh mandated that "kind produce after kind." And He specifically commanded the Israelites to practice racial segregation and separation, including forbidding the Israelites to intermarry with foreign or "alien" peoples.

To those interested in further research in this area, I would recommend the work of "Christian Identity" researchers Willie Martin, Bertrand Comparet, Wesley A. Swift, and Jack Mohr.

Resource Articles: (External):
- "ADAM WAS NOT THE FIRST MAN" by Bertrand L. Comparet
- "Adam Was Not The First Man" by Willie Martin
- "The Adamic Race" by Willie Martin
- "THE ADAMIC CREATION" by Pastor Mark Downey

See Also:
- The False Ideology of Egalitarianism: The Race of Adam, not the Jews, Destined to Take Dominion of the Earth
- Racial origin of the "Jews"; not Israelites, but descendants of Khazars, Edomites, Canaanites, Cain, and ultimately Satan
- The Mystery of the True Descendants of the Israelites - The White Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, and Kindred Peoples
- Yahweh Prohibits Race-Mixing and Commands Racial Purity and Segregation

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